Monday, November 3, 2008

Who Are These People??

Is this crazy or what?? Well, meet me - Miss B or Molly Bruzewski - the person on the right in front of the Microsoft sign. The crazy woman to the left has to be one of the most tech-savvy teachers I know, Mrs. Ragatz, from a school district near Lansing, MI.

We were selected, as part of the CareerForward PD team over 1 year ago, and were asked to participate in Microsoft's 4th Annual Worldwide Innovative Teacher's Forum. We are here representing the United States - 2 teachers from little 'ol Michigan (go figure) - among 50 teachers from all over the world.

The purpose of the conference is 2-fold. First, it is to showcase what teachers are doing to include technology in their lessons for students, and it is to demonstrate how teams from different countries and continents can work collaboratively to develop a technology lesson that can be integrated in each person's classroom/school building. I am 1 of a team with members from South Africa, Thailand, Denmark, Belgium and France. While we wait to find out whose national team wins the international prize, we are to begin this international project which will conclude and be judged in May 2009.

To highlight the objectives for this international team collaboration, the projects must include the following:
  • Developing a deeper understanding of innovative learning
  • Gaining experience using constructivist learning methodologies
  • Learning more about collaboration among students and with other teachers
  • Gaining insights into the educational value of the ICT children (collaborative learning tools) children use to learn - and must include cell phones, IM, text, social networking, text and video.
  • Learning more about Successful Online Learning

Matinga (Ms. Ragatz) and I expect this is going to be an incredible learning experience. She is more adept than I at using many of the tools mentioned above, so I anticipate I am going to be asking LOTS of questions.

I hope you continue with this blog as the chronical continues.

Tomorrow is Election Day. I can guarantee that the eyes of the world are on this election. That seems to be all that the internationals want to talk about. WOW!


Unknown said...

Glad to see you are both using the lessons of cFWD - go global, be entrepreneurial, build your social networks, .... But obviously there's another module that should be added - on having fun!

Grumpy High School Teacher said...

Americans are sooo irreverent. Look at the picture of the US delegation!!!!